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выслушай меня о вирусе...😍


0h wow ! am4zing gaem !! v3Ry kEwl 10/10 !!!

(4 edits) (+2)

SPOILERS for the 8/9 ending

I got 9 out of 10 endings after reaching the point where I have 8 endings and it unlock the 9 ending where I survived when leaving Virus alone and reached the part where someone else apparently is playing the game and it leads me to a link of a 10 hours video.

I want to get the last ending but don't know how, does anyone know without spoiling it?

If it is relatively the same ending different answers then spoilers are ok though.

I kinda thought the red X or ticks you can press and make noises could do something for a specific ending but I guess not or maybe I didn't try enough.

I just realized that probably the ending 10 might be the comic itself but I don't know/think that's it.


Try playing from the very beginning

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot! I'll try that.

Also the game is great, I really love the characters, they are all funny XD

The vvery beginning is from the same file or a new file though? (If you can't answer that because it is better to find it myself is fine) because with the new file nothing really changed.

I tried playing it from the beginning but nothing really changed sadly after playing from the very beginning, both by playing clicking start making a new file or by loading a old file where I saved at the start.


hi, how can i turn the language to english please ?


You actually can! Just go to settings you'll find something English there. You'll have to struggle abit if you don't understand it though hehe I struggled with it too


amazing game i got all endings except one but 9/10 is good enough for me:)

I love this gamememememem!!!n!!!!n also im translating official fanfics for the endings (already translated bad and super happy), PLS JUST SAY ON WHICH PLATFORM I SHOULD POST THEM I DUNNOO 



Great game! I guess i really want a crossover between baldi's basics and the virus game.





Игра супер,но последствия во время игры у меня в нике..

Very funny! Would love to see an English translation of the comic but otherwise all endings was fun to grab!

English translation is done now! Thank you for playing!


I'm sorry, but how exactly do I switch it to English? :, )

Just go to settings you'll find English letters or character there you'll struggle abit though lol


WOW thanks so much I really appreciate it! Was a joy to play the game and I laughed a lot!


This was hilarious, cursed and fun! Great job I really enjoyed this! I played until I got the best ending, but damn ticks everywhere was nasty. Amazing job, very virus, very weird. I recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow!

Thank you!


лучши игра ващэ 100 из 10👍👍👍


Cool game.i eat kids(Joke )


автор вы супер! И конь в пальто мой отец....


i got knock on the head

10 viruses on my computer out of 10


It turned out very well!  😍🌹

(3 edits) (+3)

Вааау, игра на все 10/10 ежей!

Жду когда добавят ежа в звг день 27

Чмоки Уф🤗💘

Wow, a game for all 10/10 hedgehogs!

I'm waiting for the hedgehog to be added on TVG, day 27

I'm kissing oof🤗💘

Ваш наверное любимый, Ежик🦔

Your probably favorite Hedgehog🦔


The last ending of this game is truly creepy one


Игра просто шик! Я очень рад тому, что она в в немалой степени заВИРУСилась 🥰! 10коней из 10пальто! Особенно приятно то, что осознаёшь, что, вроде, проект рофельный, никакого сириуса, но это и привлекает в фандом и саму игру! 




ya stala kakoi to chorhoi zackaryuchnoi fignyoy poklonyayusheysha anime, liftamin 


Ауэ ыэ Бом Бом эаэу аээу аааааа

(1 edit) (+1)

Крутая и веселая игра!;)

У меня был ток воображаемый друг, пока в мою жизнь не ворвался Вирус. Он весёлый, милый и добрый парень, с ним ты точно не соскучишься! А если у тебя есть враги, то он съест их души. 

10 спалённых клещей евреев из 10


u menya vzorvalsya computer i ia ded, oi toest ia die


10 palto iz 10, konina ochen vkusnyaya 


Ya Syela Konya v Palto 


Прекрасно, теперь я могу сжигать лошадей не попав в тюрьму😍

10 пальто из 10


this is a really cool vidual novel, very beautiful illustrations and a lot of funny jokes :D

 10 ticks out of 10



Лучшая игр


+друг +компьютер +коньВпальто +пожар -душа

в целом плюсов больше чем минусов, рекомендую 


я беременна от Вируса🥰🍆


оставил Вируса без глаз, залив их средством от насекомышей

10 сожженных клещей из 10


Игра 10 из 10, трава стала зеленее и небо голубее после того как я сыграла в неё


YAAYY, I love this game <3


ЕЕЕЕЕЕЕ ТХЕ ВИРУС ГЕЙМ, обожаю эту игру, и лифув тоже


етить калатить 🤟🤟🤟



- Wow, the virus is very cute. I like the virus, do yo like the virus?

- Pliz kill it.


- Because, it will kill US.









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